Source: lib/action/client_goal_handle.js

// Copyright (c) 2020 Matt Richard. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

'use strict';

const ActionInterfaces = require('./interfaces.js');

 * @class - Goal handle for working with Action Clients.
 * @hideconstructor

class ClientGoalHandle {
  constructor(actionClient, goalId, goalResponse) {
    this._actionClient = actionClient;
    this._goalId = goalId;
    this._goalResponse = goalResponse;
    this._status = this.accepted
      ? ActionInterfaces.GoalStatus.STATUS_ACCEPTED
      : ActionInterfaces.GoalStatus.STATUS_UNKNOWN;

   * Gets the goal Id.
  get goalId() {
    return this._goalId;

   * Gets the goal response timestamp.
  get stamp() {
    return this._goalResponse.stamp;

   * Gets if the goal response was accepted.
   * @deprecated use isAccepted()
  get accepted() {
    return this.isAccepted();

   * Determine if goal is currently executing
   * @returns {bool} - True if goal is executing; otherwise return false.
  isAccepted() {
    return this._goalResponse.accepted;

   * Determine if goal is currently executing
   * @returns {bool} - True if goal is executing; otherwise return false.
  isExecuting() {
    return this.status === ActionInterfaces.GoalStatus.STATUS_EXECUTING;

   * Determine if goal is in the process of canceling.
   * @returns {bool} - True if goal is canceling; otherwise return false.
  isCanceling() {
    return this.status === ActionInterfaces.GoalStatus.STATUS_CANCELING;

   * Determine if goal completed successfullly.
   * @returns {bool} - True if goal completed successfully; otherwise return false.
  isSucceeded() {
    return this.status === ActionInterfaces.GoalStatus.STATUS_SUCCEEDED;

   * Determine if goal has been canceled.
   * @returns {bool} - True if goal has been aborted; otherwise return false.
  isCanceled() {
    return this.status === ActionInterfaces.GoalStatus.STATUS_CANCELED;

   * Determine if goal has been aborted.
   * @returns {bool} - True if goal was aborted; otherwise return false.
  isAborted() {
    return this.status === ActionInterfaces.GoalStatus.STATUS_ABORTED;

   * Gets the goal status.
  get status() {
    return this._status;

   * Update status to the latest state of goal computation.
   * When status is in a final state it can not be revered to an
   * earlier state, e.g., can not change from SUCCEEDED to ACCEPTED.
   * @param {number} newStatus - The new status of this goal.
  set status(newStatus) {
    if (
      this._status < ActionInterfaces.GoalStatus.STATUS_SUCCEEDED &&
      newStatus > this._status
    ) {
      this._status = newStatus;

   * Send a cancel request for the goal.
   * @returns {Promise} - The cancel response.
  cancelGoal() {
    return this._actionClient._cancelGoal(this);

   * Request the result for the goal.
   * @returns {Promise} - The result response.
  getResult() {
    return this._actionClient._getResult(this);

module.exports = ClientGoalHandle;