Source: urdf/UrdfMaterial.js

 * @fileOverview
 * @author Benjamin Pitzer -
 * @author Russell Toris -

var UrdfColor = require('./UrdfColor');

 * A Material element in a URDF.
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {Element} options.xml - The XML element to parse.
function UrdfMaterial(options) {
  this.textureFilename = null;
  this.color = null; = options.xml.getAttribute('name');

  // Texture
  var textures = options.xml.getElementsByTagName('texture');
  if (textures.length > 0) {
    this.textureFilename = textures[0].getAttribute('filename');

  // Color
  var colors = options.xml.getElementsByTagName('color');
  if (colors.length > 0) {
    // Parse the RBGA string
    this.color = new UrdfColor({
      xml : colors[0]

UrdfMaterial.prototype.isLink = function() {
  return this.color === null && this.textureFilename === null;

var assign = require('object-assign');

UrdfMaterial.prototype.assign = function(obj) {
    return assign(this, obj);

module.exports = UrdfMaterial;