Source: maps/ImageMap.js

 * @fileOverview
 * @author Russell Toris -

 * An image map is a PNG image scaled to fit to the dimensions of a OccupancyGrid.
 * @constructor
 * @param options - object with following keys:
 *   * message - the occupancy grid map meta data message
 *   * image - the image URL to load
ROS2D.ImageMap = function(options) {
  options = options || {};
  var message = options.message;
  var image = options.image;

  // save the metadata we need
  this.pose = new ROSLIB.Pose({
    position : message.origin.position,
    orientation : message.origin.orientation

  // set the size
  this.width = message.width;
  this.height = message.height;

  // create the bitmap, image);
  // change Y direction
  this.y = -this.height * message.resolution;

  // scale the image
  this.scaleX = message.resolution;
  this.scaleY = message.resolution;
  this.width *= this.scaleX;
  this.height *= this.scaleY;

  // set the pose
  this.x += this.pose.position.x;
  this.y -= this.pose.position.y;
ROS2D.ImageMap.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Bitmap.prototype;