* @fileOverview
* @author Inigo Gonzalez - ingonza85@gmail.com
* A navigation image that can be used to display orientation.
* @constructor
* @param options - object with following keys:
* * size (optional) - the size of the marker
* * image - the image to use as a marker
* * pulse (optional) - if the marker should "pulse" over time
ROS2D.NavigationImage = function(options) {
var that = this;
options = options || {};
var size = options.size || 10;
var image_url = options.image;
var pulse = options.pulse;
var alpha = options.alpha || 1;
var originals = {};
var paintImage = function(){
createjs.Bitmap.call(that, image);
var scale = calculateScale(size);
that.alpha = alpha;
that.scaleX = scale;
that.scaleY = scale;
that.regY = that.image.height/2;
that.regX = that.image.width/2;
originals['rotation'] = that.rotation;
Object.defineProperty( that, 'rotation', {
get: function(){ return originals['rotation'] + 90; },
set: function(value){ originals['rotation'] = value; }
if (pulse) {
// have the model "pulse"
var growCount = 0;
var growing = true;
var SCALE_SIZE = 1.020;
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener('tick', function() {
if (growing) {
that.scaleX *= SCALE_SIZE;
that.scaleY *= SCALE_SIZE;
growing = (++growCount < 10);
} else {
that.scaleX /= SCALE_SIZE;
that.scaleY /= SCALE_SIZE;
growing = (--growCount < 0);
var calculateScale = function(_size){
return _size / image.width;
var image = new Image();
image.onload = paintImage;
image.src = image_url;
ROS2D.NavigationImage.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Bitmap.prototype;