Class: OccupancyGridClient


new OccupancyGridClient(options)

An occupancy grid client that listens to a given map topic.

Emits the following events:

  • 'change' - there was an update or change in the marker
Name Type Description

object with following keys:

  • ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle
  • topic (optional) - the map topic to listen to
  • continuous (optional) - if the map should be continuously loaded (e.g., for SLAM)
  • tfClient (optional) - the TF client handle to use for a scene node
  • compression (optional) - message compression (default: 'cbor')
  • rootObject (optional) - the root object to add this marker to
  • offsetPose (optional) - offset pose of the grid visualization, e.g. for z-offset (ROSLIB.Pose type)
  • color (optional) - color of the visualized grid
  • opacity (optional) - opacity of the visualized grid (0.0 == fully transparent, 1.0 == opaque)