Class: UrdfClient


new UrdfClient(options)

A URDF client can be used to load a URDF and its associated models into a 3D object from the ROS parameter server.

Emits the following events:

  • 'change' - emited after the URDF and its meshes have been loaded into the root object
Name Type Description

object with following keys:

  • ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle
  • param (optional) - the paramter to load the URDF from, like 'robot_description'
  • tfClient - the TF client handle to use
  • path (optional) - the base path to the associated Collada models that will be loaded
  • rootObject (optional) - the root object to add this marker to
  • tfPrefix (optional) - the TF prefix to used for multi-robots
  • loader (optional) - the Collada loader to use (e.g., an instance of ROS3D.COLLADA_LOADER)