* @fileOverview
* @author Mathieu Bredif - mathieu.bredif@ign.fr
* A NavSatFix client that listens to a given topic and displays a line connecting the gps fixes.
* @constructor
* @param options - object with following keys:
* * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle
* * topic - the NavSatFix topic to listen to
* * rootObject (optional) - the root object to add the trajectory line and the gps marker to
* * object3d (optional) - the object3d to be translated by the gps position
* * material (optional) - THREE.js material or options passed to a THREE.LineBasicMaterial, such as :
* * material.color (optional) - color for line
* * material.linewidth (optional) - line width
* * altitudeNaN (optional) - default altitude when the message altitude is NaN (default: 0)
* * keep (optional) - number of gps fix points to keep (default: 100)
* * convert (optional) - conversion function from lon/lat/alt to THREE.Vector3 (default: passthrough)
ROS3D.NavSatFix = function(options) {
options = options || {};
this.ros = options.ros;
this.topicName = options.topic || '/gps/fix';
this.rootObject = options.rootObject || new THREE.Object3D();
this.object3d = options.object3d || new THREE.Object3D();
var material = options.material || {};
this.altitudeNaN = options.altitudeNaN || 0;
this.keep = options.keep || 100;
this.convert = options.convert || function(lon,lat,alt) { return new THREE.Vector3(lon,lat,alt); };
this.count = 0;
this.next1 = 0;
this.next2 = this.keep;
this.geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
this.vertices = new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array( 6 * this.keep ), 3 );
this.geom.addAttribute( 'position', this.vertices);
this.material = material.isMaterial ? material : new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( material );
this.line = new THREE.Line( this.geom, this.material );
this.rosTopic = undefined;
ROS3D.NavSatFix.prototype.__proto__ = THREE.Object3D.prototype;
ROS3D.NavSatFix.prototype.unsubscribe = function(){
ROS3D.NavSatFix.prototype.subscribe = function(){
// subscribe to the topic
this.rosTopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({
ros : this.ros,
name : this.topicName,
queue_length : 1,
messageType : 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix'
ROS3D.NavSatFix.prototype.processMessage = function(message){
var altitude = isNaN(message.altitude) ? this.altitudeNaN : message.altitude;
var p = this.convert(message.longitude, message.latitude, altitude);
// move the object3d to the gps position
// copy the position twice in the circular buffer
// the second half replicates the first to allow a single drawRange
this.vertices.array[3*this.next1 ] = p.x;
this.vertices.array[3*this.next1+1] = p.y;
this.vertices.array[3*this.next1+2] = p.z;
this.vertices.array[3*this.next2 ] = p.x;
this.vertices.array[3*this.next2+1] = p.y;
this.vertices.array[3*this.next2+2] = p.z;
this.vertices.needsUpdate = true;
this.next1 = (this.next1+1) % this.keep;
this.next2 = this.next1 + this.keep;
this.count = Math.min(this.count+1, this.keep);
this.geom.setDrawRange(this.next2-this.count, this.count );